A selection of Sean's writing at Said the Gramophone
Most of these posts are meant to be accompanied by the music they describe; if the MP3 link is no longer working, I encourage you to find and listen to the song on YouTube, Spotify, etc.
on file-sharing, CD burners, music discovery on the early WWW;
on David Bowie, a desert island, the blue macaw;
on Electrelane, and a mission;
on Pavement, "Gold Soundz", (gold);
home runs, wolf parade;
on 2 new boots, Bonnie "Prince" Billy;
on wintertime, snow, neighbours;
on sneaking out, Sam Cooke, Intensity O'Clock;
on Young Marble Giants, macaroni pie, the red light lifting;
on two days, one kiss, and then;
on zydeco breakfast; and